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Doc. dr. Polonca Pangrčič je v okviru projekta Oblikovanje za povečano kompetentnost skozi aktivno participacijo v visokem šolstvu izvedla zelo zanimivo pedagoško-didaktično usposabljanje za pedagoški kader.

Vodje projektov EEA Grants in Norway Grants smo v štajerski prestolnici 16. februarja 2023 izvedli srečanje s predstavniki Norveškega veleposlaništva v Budimpešti. Ob kavi smo si izmenjali informacije o dosedanjem in prihajajočem poteku dela. Herman Baskår in Timea Ruzsbaczky sta nam prijazno ponudila pomoč pri naših projektih ter mreženju. Menimo, da je bil sestanek zelo uspešen in se že veselimo nadaljnjega sodelovanja in krepitve vezi.

Vodje projektov EEA Grants in Norway Grants smo v štajerski prestolnici 16. februarja 2023 izvedli srečanje s predstavniki Norveškega veleposlaništva v Budimpešti. Ob kavi smo si izmenjali informacije o dosedanjem in prihajajočem poteku dela. Herman Baskår in Timea Ruzsbaczky sta nam prijazno ponudila pomoč pri naših projektih ter mreženju. Menimo, da je bil sestanek zelo uspešen in se že veselimo nadaljnjega sodelovanja in krepitve vezi.

Vodje projektov EEA Grants in Norway Grants smo v štajerski prestolnici 16. februarja 2023 izvedli srečanje s predstavniki Norveškega veleposlaništva v Budimpešti. Ob kavi smo si izmenjali informacije o dosedanjem in prihajajočem poteku dela. Herman Baskår in Timea Ruzsbaczky sta nam prijazno ponudila pomoč pri naših projektih ter mreženju. Menimo, da je bil sestanek zelo uspešen in se že veselimo nadaljnjega sodelovanja in krepitve vezi.

Vključeni partnerji smo k projektu pristopili z namenom izboljšati visokošolsko prakso v slovenskem prostoru in s tem prispevati, da bi bili diplomanti bolje usposobljeni za delo v profesionalnih okoljih, kjer se bodo zaposlovali, in na ta način gradili ter sooblikovali…

The basic purpose of the project is to improve the quality and efficiency of teaching and learning in higher education and to empower individuals and institutions in higher education to actively respond to the challenges of preparing students for work and life in the 21st century in cooperation with other stakeholders and by exchanging good practices.

The basic purpose of the project is to improve the quality and efficiency of teaching and learning in higher education and to empower individuals and institutions in higher education to actively respond to the challenges of preparing students for work and life in the 21st century in cooperation with other stakeholders and by exchanging good practices.

The basic purpose of the project is to improve the quality and efficiency of teaching and learning in higher education and to empower individuals and institutions in higher education to actively respond to the challenges of preparing students for work and life in the 21st century in cooperation with other stakeholders and by exchanging good practices.

The basic purpose of the project is to improve the quality and efficiency of teaching and learning in higher education and to empower individuals and institutions in higher education to actively respond to the challenges of preparing students for work and life in the 21st century in cooperation with other stakeholders and by exchanging good practices.

The shape of higher education

Competence through active participation